New month, means a new book!
This season of the This Black Girl Reads Book Club has been epic! Thanks to all the new and returning members who joined the discussions this season. It has been great connecting with all of you.
Well sadly this is the last book of the season but we are going out with a bang! And of course, we’ll return in the fall with a who new lineup of captivating reads that explore the wide diaspora of the BIPOC experience.
But in the meantime let’s look at this month’s book! The Bread The Devil Knead by Lisa Allen-Agostini is a story about a woman in Trinidad who is turning 40 and looking at the progression of her life. Forced to face some really tough demons Alethea is a lovable character that is pretty much held down and stuck in her circumstances. As she wants more, we see throughout the story that she struggles so heavily with her confidence and belief in her abilities.
Join me on Friday, May 26th at 7 pm Eastern to discuss this book.
Alethea Lopez is about to turn 40. Fashionable, feisty, and fiercely independent, she manages a boutique in Port of Spain, but behind closed doors, she’s covering up bruises from her abusive partner and seeking solace in an affair with her boss. When she witnesses a woman murdered by a jealous lover, the reality of her own future comes a little too close to home.
Bringing us her truth in an arresting, unsparing Trinidadian voice, Alethea unravels memories repressed since childhood and begins to understand the person she has become. Her next step is to decide the woman she wants to be.
Find the book here: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/1912408996?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_23NN22T1MJ2DVAT90QRG_1
To register click here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/…/this-black-girl-reads…
***Trigger Warnings: Physical, verbal & emotional Abuse, Cheating in a Relationship, Toxic Relationships, Police Brutality, Sexual Assault, Shooting, Murder, Racism, Oppression.
black woman book clubbook clubmonthly book clubmust read books
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